Animation - Animasyon: Ethem Onur Bilgiç
Producer - Yapımcı: Berat İlk
Senaryo - Script: Ethem Onur Bilgiç, Deniz Tarsus
Poem - Şiir: Nâzım Hikmet Ran
Sound Design - Ses Tasarımı: Deniz Tarsus

WEEPING WILLOW - The Short Animated Movie
There was a man; who fought through his entire life. He rode from one attack to another, marched on his horse. He was a brave soldier, fought with his pride. But maybe, it was time to watch the soldiers going along the setting sun under the shade of Weeping Willow.
This short-animated film is a free adaptation of Nazım Hikmet Ran’s poem; “Weeping Willow”

SALKIM SÖĞÜT - Kısa Canlandırma Film
At üstünde onca süvari. Sonra içlerinden bir asker atından düştü. Ordu dönüp bakmadı düşen askere. Tüm ihtişamıyla güneşin battığı yere ilerledi atlılar. İşte o zaman asker, bir başına kalınca geçmişi hatırladı. Belki de artık Salkımsöğüt’ün gölgesinde batan güneşe ilerleyen askerleri izlemenin vakti gelmişti.
Nazım Hikmet’in “Salkımsöğüt” şiirinin serbest canlandırma uyarlaması.


•    21th International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival / Adana – Turkey / Best Animated Short Film
•    15th International İzmir Short Film Festival / İzmir –Turkey / Best Animated Short Film
•    14th Kısa-ca Konya Short Film Festival / Konya – Turkey / Official Selection
•    17th Randevu İstanbul International Film Festival / İstanbul – Turkey / Screenings
•    9th İstanbul Animation Festival / İstanbul – Turkey / Official Selection
•    11th International Akbank Film Festival / Istanbul – Turkey / Screenings
•    27th Filmfest Dresden / Dresden – Germany / Official Selection
•    10th Athens Animfest / Athens – Greece / Official Selection (Marathon)
•    10th Sunscreen Film Festival / St. Petersburg – Russia / Official Selection
•    4th Madeira Film Festival / Madeira – Portugal / Official Selection
•    3th Canlandıranlar Festival / İstanbul – Turkey / Official Selection
•    CayFilm Cayman International Film Festival / Cayman Islands / Official Selection
•    3th International Kayseri Altin Cinar Film Festival / Kayseri – Turkey / Official Selection
•    68th Cannes Film Festival – Turkish Stand
•    65th Berlinale Film Festival – Turkish Stand
•    Catalyst Communities Film Festival / London – England / Official Selection
•    31st Cartoon Club Film Festival / Rimini – Italy / Official Selection
•    Anifestrozafa Film Festivel / Rozafa – Albania / Official Selection
•    7th CutOut Fest / Querétaro, México / Official Selection
Teaser Music: James Hakan Dedeoğlu -
illustration: Aykut Aydoğdu -
illustration: Saydan Akşit -
illustration: Furkan Birgün -
illustration: Burak Dak -
illustration: Naz Tansel -
illustration: Kaan Bağcı -
illustration: Sadi Güran -
illustration: Selçuk Ören -
illustration: Sedat Girgin -
illustration: Ethem Onur Bilgiç -
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